Šárka Darton
Hide and Seek, 2015
25 cm
Copyright The Artist
For me, this bronze sculpture is all about the playfulness of lingering childhood memories. The title, “Hide and Seek” is suggestive of both the innocence of the game hide and...
For me, this bronze sculpture is all about the
playfulness of lingering childhood memories.
The title, “Hide and Seek” is suggestive of both
the innocence of the game hide and seek and
the sinister nature of being ‘lost’ or of the uneasy
darkness associated with forests and trees.
By making the components of the sculpture
disconnect, they invite the viewer to interact
with them, imposing their own thoughts onto
the meaning of the piece; therefore altering the
perspective of the pieces story. I was always
fascinated with art that evokes curiousity. I have
long been captivated by a painting by Pavel
Chelichev called Hide and Seek which inspires
my own piece. The contradictions of playfulness
and the sinister are present in both artworks.
In this bronze the surface variation of the smooth
faces contrasted against the rough tree suggest
a dichotomy that will keep you looking and keep
you guessing".
- Sarka Darton, 2016
playfulness of lingering childhood memories.
The title, “Hide and Seek” is suggestive of both
the innocence of the game hide and seek and
the sinister nature of being ‘lost’ or of the uneasy
darkness associated with forests and trees.
By making the components of the sculpture
disconnect, they invite the viewer to interact
with them, imposing their own thoughts onto
the meaning of the piece; therefore altering the
perspective of the pieces story. I was always
fascinated with art that evokes curiousity. I have
long been captivated by a painting by Pavel
Chelichev called Hide and Seek which inspires
my own piece. The contradictions of playfulness
and the sinister are present in both artworks.
In this bronze the surface variation of the smooth
faces contrasted against the rough tree suggest
a dichotomy that will keep you looking and keep
you guessing".
- Sarka Darton, 2016